Science fairs, science projects, or just a fun home project, our Amazing Bacteria Kit makes an awesome choice for all the above. It is a complete test kit that comes with 10 prepoured agar plates, 10 sterilized cotton swabs, 2 plastic droppers, 1 vial of water, kit usage instructions, and an experiment eBook guide. We are thankful to have such engaging customers use it for a variety of experiments. Below are some of the experiments they performed (grabbed directly from the product customer reviews!)
Actual Customer-performed Experiments!
- The Importance of Washing Hands and its Role in Maintaining Proper Hygiene
- How Dirty Are Everyday Surfaces? The Top Answers May be Concerning
- Testing Raw Food. What is on the Surface of Raw Food? Why are Some So Dangerous?
Science Kit Experiments using the Included eBook!

Visualize Bacteria with The Amazing Bacteria Kit!
We know that bacteria exist around us, everywhere, except since we cannot physically see it, we do not truly understand its abundance. This is especially true with children. I am sure many parents can relate to encouraging their children to wash their hands, avoid playing in dirty areas, and just overall emphasizing the importance of hygiene. However, children are generally visual learners, sometimes just learning the concept of something is not enough. It helps tremendously to SEE it with their own eyes.

Seeing is Believing
This is why science is so important! In regard to bacteria, we are able to grow it on agar (essentially a very healthy substance that microorganisms easily grow on.) Microscopic bacteria are able to be grown and actually seen in only a matter of days. This is how we know that bacteria exist, and the visual is especially helpful for children.

Easy, Fun, and Educational
The kit makes for both an educational and fun project where they can engage in the process of swabbing objects and the agar petri dishes. Perform the experiments together and learn about the incredible microscopic world around us with our Amazing Bacteria Kit!